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stone chapel
the bleating of sheep
on a high ridge

Honourable Mention
R H Blyth Award 2007


  1. Hi Lynne, it's been a pleasure writing the prose writes for your literary project - thanks for letting me know about it and thanks for sharing this poem, short but as with a lot of good poems, it leaves an impression that'll probably now stay with me for a while.


  2. Thanks Colleen. I'm pleased you responded to this. And I'm delighted too that you've been enjoying the Your Messages project too.

  3. election day
    the bleating of sheep
    in a muddy field

    20+ states holding primary elections today...blech!

    nice to have stumbled upon your blog lynn. wemiss you at aha.


  4. Hi josh - thanks for posting this. We had a lot of coverage of the US elections in the UK so I imagine it's been 'total submersion' in the US! I'm in South of France now though, and they're much more moderate about such things... Have had a hectic few months with writing projects and moving but hope to catch up with aha and haiku writers once I'm more settled in.

  5. "stone chapel" haiku: lush as well as austere.. beautiful...full of sabi -
    love it!
    -brett brady


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