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Contemporary Haibun Online 11.1

Enjoy the April 2015 issue of CHO which includes:

  • Featured writer: Harriot West
  • The winning haibun in the 2014 Jerry Kilbride Memorial English Language Haibun Contest 
  • An interview with Ray Rasmussen
  • Lynne Rees tackling language choices in her essay exploring 'Theme and Meaning in Haibun'

And of course a selection of outstanding contemporary English language haibun from writers across the globe.

Here's a little taster from contributor, Lynn Edge.

Rancher's Wife

My husband can barely walk, but he goes out and checks his cows every day even though he's down to only fourteen head. He hopes to drop dead in the pasture. How can one compete with that kind of devotion?

a cow bawl
carries through the mist
almost winter

Contemporary Haibun Online 11.1 April 2015


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